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The best way to wash windows

Writer's picture: Ivan RosaIvan Rosa

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Spatula method, complete instructions - procedure, method, means

Are you tired of looking at the world through the dirt on the windows? Do you want really clean windows? And do you want to wash them yourself?

If so, take some well-intentioned advice from us.

Among other things, this guide will answer your questions:

  • how to wash windows;

  • how to properly wash windows;

  • how to wash windows so that there are no streaks;

  • how to wash windows without chemicals;

  • what to add to window washing water.


A young man cleans the window


Generally, there are only two methods of window cleaning: "dry" and "wet" (a malicious pedant may truthfully point out that both are wet, but that's about all he can do).

  1. The "dry" way of washing is by using a cleaning solution in a container with a sprayer, when the dirt on the glass is washed away with this solution and a cloth and de facto polishes it. This method is suitable for small glazed areas, partial treatments, not for large ones (unless you are a determined sportsman with a lot of free time).

  2. The "wet" procedure, or "squeegee", consists of washing away the dirt with a cleaning solution and then wiping it off. This technique is physically less demanding, roughly the same cost, faster and more effective.

And because the classic "wet road" dominates the others, today we present you with instructions for this "squeegee" technique.

Choice of tools and resources

First: forget about "good old newspapers" and cheap "all-purpose" cleaners that leave streaks on the glass and stains on the frame. In addition, the newspaper gives the windows a static charge, which attracts dust to the glass immediately after cleaning, as well as leaving behind lint and black paint on your hands, which you just use to dirty the frame.

The best choice is microfibre cloths, which perfectly absorb moisture. They are more durable and have a far greater effect than any paper products (towels, towels or toilet paper).

Inventory of tools and resources

A bucket

Oval, wide enough to fit a squeegee and a mop.

A squeegee

Window cleaning squeegee

Invest in a quality squeegee – it is, after all, the most important window cleaning tool. With its durable rubber blade, a really high-quality squeegee wipes away the solution with dirt in one stroke without faltering.


Mop – window cleaning tool

T-shaped plastic tool covered with a sleeve. Profi mops have various improvements, such as the so-called "pad", which is a side strip with an abrasive surface and sharp bristles for easier removal of stubborn dirt.

Telescopic rod

Telescopic poles

For mop and trowel to reach higher places. The most frequently used dimension is 1.5 m when retracted and 3 m when extended. But the choice of length is strictly individual - the height of your windows and access to them decide.



To remove stickers, or stubborn dirt, such as old insects, etc. Its size should correspond to the number of such dirt on your windows, as well as the level of your patience.


The second most important thing. It should be a concentrated alcohol-based agent intended only for washing glass. Alcohol-based preparations dry quickly and at the same time contain other substances that repel dirt and raindrops. Any one-size-fits-all remedy is a bad remedy. Dot. In an emergency, you can use, for example, baby shampoo, but even that has its limits. That is why it is wise to invest in quality when it comes to cleaning products. If you don't want to use chemicals to wash your windows, then you can choose vinegar for washing, for example, which has many great properties...


Microfiber, and some plain but clean rags (old towels).


The best way to wash windows = how to properly clean windows


The first step is the unpleasant but necessary removal of lower forms of life (spiders, flies, etc.). Get rid of anything smaller than your little fingernail that has lodged itself in the window frame without your knowledge. An ordinary household vacuum cleaner is the best for this, with which you can also get rid of cobwebs and dust in the corners and around the curtains.

Disassemble the insect nets and clean them thoroughly in the bathroom or in the garden.

If it is the end of autumn, then leave them somewhere stored until spring.

Dilute the cleaner according to the manufacturer's instructions, preferably (not necessarily) with distilled water. Hard tap water contains minerals that, after drying, sometimes leave deposits on the glass - streaks and spots that we want to avoid. The water temperature should be a maximum of 20 °C (water that is too warm significantly reduces the effectiveness of cleaning agents), preferably around 15 °C.

We recommend adding vinegar to the washing solution, which eliminates grease and removes mineral deposits. It's a great degreaser, playfully breaks down any dead insect remains, removes most mold from window frames and even repels flies.


For a basic cleaning solution, we recommend mixing one part distilled vinegar with 10 parts warm water plus detergent. You can also try a one-to-one vinegar to water solution if you don't have any classic cleaning products at home.


This sour practice is most widespread in America, where the problem of dirty windows is solved, for example, with a sander:

A man grinds glass

Vinegar not only cleans, but also disinfects. Distilled white vinegar, the kind you find in your kitchen, is usually about 5 percent acidic, cleaning vinegar 6. with a pH of 2.0 and acetic acid content, vinegar is an inhospitable environment for many microorganisms. A 2010 study showed that a 10% solution of malt vinegar is a very effective killer of the human influenza A/H1N1 virus. It is also successful in the fight against many types of bacteria, see the mBIO study:


Procedure and manner

Start by lightly wiping the dirt from the surface of the window pane with a dry cloth (an old towel will do). This will keep the solution clean for a longer period of time.

Continue by washing the frame and both windowsills (interior, exterior), for example using a dish sponge.

Check the functionality of the drainage system - whether the drainage holes in the frame are passable (access to them after opening the window on the bottom of the frame, from the outside by turning the cap). Use a vacuum cleaner, cotton swab, wire or cloth to clean them.

You can find the full process of checking, maintaining and troubleshooting drains on our blog in the Basic Window Maintenance post.

Soak the mop in the washing solution (or apply the detergent to the wet mop directly).

First, clean the corners and edges – where the glass meets the frame. Take care, it tends to be the most polluted.

Then horizontally, then vertically, and finally with circular movements and even pressure, remove all impurities from the glass.

Don't be afraid of foam - foam is your friend (if there's enough of it). The foam makes work easier: dirt is separated from the glass more easily and the squeegee holds its direction better. The bubbles in the solution help keep the water on the glass longer, and it also makes visible water marks that need to be wiped off. The foam also helps reveal dirtier areas that need more scrubbing, as the bubble pattern separates more around grease marks and other dirt.

Wipe the frame again with a dry cloth.

Yes, he keeps wiping himself and wiping himself, but the point of doing this is meaningful. Really :)

If you are unable to remove, for example, dried remains of flies by washing, use a scraper (razor).



Hold the scraper firmly at a 45° angle to the glass to avoid snags and scratches. Only drive the blade forwards, never scrape backwards - dirt (cement, etc.) under the blade can cause scratches.

If the blade makes a rough or scraping sound when moving, it is dull or broken. Replace it with a new one.


Now apply the squeegee – in one continuous motion and with constant pressure at an angle of 45° to the glass. Wipe the water either horizontally, from the left corner to the right, or vertically from the top left corner downwards. Overlap the individual strokes.


Professional window cleaners master several wiping techniques, the skills of which require some time to master. The "latest" (created about ten years ago), highly effective method is called "fanning", in which the squeegee is guided by an oblique movement in the direction of an inverted S. And this, when you really master it, is a joy to watch!

Judge for yourself, here are two links to a video of this technique (YouTube):

Best Window Cleaning Pole Techniques:

Fanning, Professional Squeegee Method:


At the end of each stroke, wipe the squeegee blade with a micro fiber.

(Professionals manage to hold a squeegee under the squeegee when wiping, so that the dirty solution does not get on the windowsill, wall or floor.)

Repeat wiping until the water is wiped off the entire surface.

Finish the whole process by wiping all the edges of the window with a dry cloth.

Use an old towel to wipe the bottom of the frame and its inner profile, microfiber is a shame for such places.


We recommend changing the water frequently and keeping the trowel clean throughout the work, either by rinsing it in a bucket of water or wiping it with a damp cloth. This way you will avoid streaks.

If a smudge does appear on the glass (it happens when you don't change the water as often as you should), just polish it with a dry micro cloth - it's faster than using a cleaning (polishing) agent, and at the same time just as effective.

How often to wash windows?

Windows should be cleaned inside and out at least twice a year. For example, in the spring - but only after the pollen season, and in the autumn, as part of the pre-Christmas cleaning.

When to wash windows?

Stains will be easier to see in sunny weather, but avoid direct sunlight, which will quickly evaporate the solution from the window and leave stubborn streaks. The ideal conditions for washing windows are when the outside temperature is around +10-15 °C. That's when cleaning products work best.

Note (for the chilly)

It is not necessary to wash windows only under ideal conditions :)

The benefit of clean windows

  • elimination of the accumulation of condensate from dead insects, which over time turns into mold in the window frames, which, for example, causes respiratory problems (asthma);

  • more sunlight, which has a beneficial effect on the human organism;

  • reduction of winter energy costs;

  • a 2020 PKO study states that clean windows can increase the average selling price of an apartment by 10%, and a house by up to 14%. Window cleaning is therefore also an affordable way to increase the value of your investment - a way to increase interest in buying or renting;

  • extending their lifespan.

The more often you wash your windows, the easier and faster each wash will be.

Tips and advice at the end

Use glycerine against dust

Add a little glycerin to the cleaning solution - it significantly reduces the accumulation of dust and stains after rain.

Anti-icing of windows

In the winter season, add a small amount of alcohol or ammonia to the solution - they are very effective in preventing the glasses from freezing.

Making frosted (blind) glass transparent

Apply linseed oil to the glass (perhaps with an old towel) and wipe it off with a paper towel after an hour. Then wash the glass in your usual way.

If you only need to clean a small part of the window,

use the classic "dry" cleaning method. A cleaning product and a micro cloth will suffice for this.

Here is a guide to one of the best (most effective) cleaning solutions:

Mix 250 ml of vinegar, 200 ml of alcohol, a spoonful of starch and 200 ml of water. Pour the mixture into the sprayer and use a microfiber cloth to wash the window in the usual way.

That's all.

We are convinced that the trowel method is the most effective of all - both in terms of cleanliness and shine. In addition: windows washed in the manner described above do not need to be polished!

Post content

how best to wash windows

is the result of our many years of experience in this field, which we are happy to pass on.

Quotations from our blog posts are often published on specialized sites, for example:

We believe we have helped.

The rest is up to you...

Images on this page are sourced from Depositphotos.

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Comprehensive tutorial! 😀

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