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How to clean window blinds

Writer's picture: Jakub PrůšaJakub Průša

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Blinds are classic dust collectors, the maintenance of which we postpone (often until the first out-of-place neighbor's remark), even though their cleaning is relatively simple.


A man washes the blinds

How to clean window blinds

Fold the blinds towards you and wipe vertically from top to bottom.

Choose the cleaning solution according to the material the blinds are made of. The best choice is a special agent recommended by the manufacturer. These detergents are not only the most effective, but also have other good properties (for example, they reduce the accumulation of dust).

You can use any "non-aggressive" detergent for aluminum blinds and ordinary soapy water for wooden blinds. Clean fabric blinds with a pH-neutral agent.

Use a micro cloth to clean.

Choice of cleaning method and procedure

Dry method

If the blinds just need a little dusting, use a standard duster (an old sock will do in a pinch). A home vacuum cleaner will also serve this purpose well.

Wet method

Pull down the blinds on the window and set the slats of the blinds flat, i.e. in a vertical position. Wipe the slats from top to bottom with a damp cloth. Then flip the slats over and gently wipe from bottom to top (do this carefully to avoid damaging them).

Next, set the slats of the blinds in a horizontal position and clean their surface. Wash each slat from both sides and don't forget to clean the upper mechanism of the blinds as well.

Vertical internal blinds

As a rule, they are made of fabric, and if their manufacturer states that they can be washed, vacuum them first before disassembling and washing them.

Washing fabric blinds

Wash the fabric blinds by hand using a soft brush in a bath with a pH-neutral detergent (you can also use a milder detergent).

Finally, rinse them thoroughly (shower) with lukewarm water and let them dry.

Cleaning fabric blinds "day and night"

Leave the blinds on the window, do not remove them. First, vacuum the surface with a vacuum cleaner. You can use an ordinary school eraser for smaller stains. Remove larger stains with a mild cleaning agent for textiles (test the agent on a small piece first to see if it discolours the surface). Allow to dry thoroughly.

How to clean fly stains from blackout blinds

Mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda in the juice of one lemon. Apply this mixture to midges and after ten minutes, remove the stains with a soft brush. Then wipe with a cloth dampened in warm water.

If the blinds cannot be washed, at least wipe them with a damp cloth.



Never wash fabric blinds in the washing machine or iron them.

It is also better to avoid fashionable steam cleaners - hot steam condenses on the slats and thus weakens their structure, causing damage.



Blinds are also cleaned using ultrasound. Under the influence of high-frequency energy, vacuum and overpressure are created in the water with the cleaning solution, which creates bubbles that subsequently remove dust and dirt. It is not a very widespread method, only about 5 companies operate it in the Czech Republic.

Horizontal internal blinds

To treat plastic and aluminum blinds, it is best to use an original cleaner, because it removes grease and prevents the accumulation of dust and other impurities. In an emergency, a universal non-aggressive detergent can be used.



Be aware of the possible risk of breaking the slats if you press too hard on them during cleaning.


Outdoor blinds

They should be cleaned at least twice a year, preferably in spring (pollen season) and autumn (increased dustiness). Use a vacuum cleaner before washing. Fold the horizontal blinds to a vertical position and wash with detergent, then flip them over and wash the other side.

Finally, you can rinse them with a gentle stream of water, for example from a garden hose.



When cleaning, never use products that can bleach or corrode surfaces (wood, textiles). Diluted dish soap or mild soap can be used on non-porous surfaces.

When cleaning the blinds, be careful not to break the side guide strings, positioning cords and pull-up straps with a sudden movement.

When working, be careful with the cord used to control the blinds (you wouldn't believe how many people have gotten dangerously tangled in it).

Avoid buying various "gadgets" designed to clean several slats at once - these inventions (as well as many others) have no right to exist, because they simply do not work as they are supposed to - because they often do the exact opposite of what their manufacturers claim (they do not save time, rather, they lengthen, because it is necessary to wipe the slats with them several times and to clean the area around the guide and functional cords so that the blinds are really clean).



Coat the individual slats of wooden blinds or blinds with a candle at least once a month - they will be more flexible and will not break.

We believe that these little tips,

how to clean window blinds

at least they helped a little…

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